Petra Mills, NC, Sept. 3, 1887
Petra Mills, NC, Sept. 3, 1887, a P.P. Hammond Co. of Aurora, Illinois, double circle CDS Pinwheel … Continue Reading…
Oxford (Granville Co.) Jan. 2, 1862
Scott CSA #6 pair rouletted. When the Civil War began, the South had little industrial ability; … Continue Reading…
Edenton (Chowan Co.) Jan. 19, 1825
Six cent rate to carry this cover less than one mile by a ferry up Chowan River. The addressee, … Continue Reading…
Biltmore (Buncombe Co.) Dec. 25, 1902
RFD – Rural Free Delivery began in North Carolina at China Grove in 1899. To the surprise of many … Continue Reading…
Lenoir (Caldwell Co.) Sept. 21, 1861
When the Civil War began, stamps were unavailable. A few postmasters printed their own stamps can … Continue Reading…
Elizabeth City (Pasquotank Co.) Oct. 7, 1837
37 ½ cent rate – Handstamp showing a triple-rate letter for a distance of 80 to 150 miles. No other … Continue Reading…
Kitty Hawk (Dare Co.) Dec 17, 1928
This 25th anniversary cover has the official cachet for the event and is signed by Orville Wright … Continue Reading…
Wilmington (New Hanover Co.) Feb. 15, ca 1852
Honour’s City Post was a private mail carrier in Charleston that picked up mail and delivered it to … Continue Reading…
Lincolnton (Lincoln Co.) May 19, 1938
After a successful all-North Carolina airmail week in 1937, Postmaster General Farley asked … Continue Reading…
Murfreesborough (Hertford Co.) Jul. 6, 1861
Paid 10 and US #26 – Due 3 Southern letter unpaid redirected here. Postmaster Speed of Louisville, … Continue Reading…

George Slaton
The North Carolina Postal History Society studies, promotes, and educates the public about the state’s postal history. Established in 1982, the society is approved as Affiliate No. 155 of the American Philatelic Society and holds non-profit status under section 501(c)(3) with the IRS.The society maintains a data base of North Carolina postmarks from the colonial period to the modern era. The North Carolina Postmark Catalog, available on this website under the “Resources” tab, offers the most extensive collection of state postmarks ever assembled. An index enables the researcher to match named post offices with the county of origin. The postmark catalog itself is organized according to county and to the larger North Carolina cities. It is accessed and used by collectors and researchers here and internationally.
The society also publishes a full-color quarterly journal providing fresh and well-researched articles on North Carolina postal history. Members enjoy an annual meeting held each year at CHARPEX, a weekend in late July when stamp and postal history enthusiasts gather in Charlotte, North Carolina. The weekend features a dealer bourse, philatelic exhibits, and club programs.
You are welcome to join the North Carolina Postal History Society! Society members receive a subscription to the quarterly journal.The annual dues are $15.00. See the Join tab for more details.