PDF files of the below counties and cities are available with their last update shown in parentheses.
(The files may be large and take several minutes to download.)
Alamance County (Aug 13th, 2024)
Alexander County (Feb 13th, 2023)
Alleghany County (Feb 14th, 2023)
Anson County (Aug 5th, 2024)
Ashe County (Aug 5th, 2024)
Asheville (Buncombe County) (Aug 4th, 2024)
Avery County (Feb 18th, 2023)
Beaufort County (Feb 18th, 2023)
Bertie County (Jul 2nd, 2023)
Bladen County (Aug 10th, 2024)
Brunswick County (Aug 14th, 2024)
Buncombe County (Jul 2nd, 2023)
Burke County (Feb 24th, 2023)
Cabarrus County (Aug 10th, 2024)
Caldwell County (Feb 27th, 2023)
Camden County (Feb 28th, 2023)
Carteret County (Mar 5th, 2023)
Caswell County (Aug 17th, 2024)
Catawba County (Aug 16th, 2024)
Charlotte (Mecklenburg County) (Aug 5th, 2024)
Chatham County (Aug 17th, 2024)
Cherokee County (Aug 17th, 2024)
Chowan County (Aug 18th, 2024)
Clay County (Aug 18th, 2024)
Cleveland County (Aug 11th, 2024)
Columbus County (Aug 14th, 2024)
Craven County (Aug 15th, 2024)
Cumberland County (Aug 15th, 2024)
Currituck County (Mar 24th, 2023)
Dare County (Mar 25th, 2023)
Davidson County (Mar 29th, 2023)
Davie County (Apr 1st, 2023)
Duplin County (Apr 4th, 2023)
Durham County (Apr 4th, 2023)
Edgecombe County (Apr 7th, 2023)
Fayetteville (Cumberland County) (Aug 15th, 2024)
Forsyth County (Aug 17th, 2024)
Franklin County (Apr 11th, 2023)
Gaston County (Aug 14th, 2024)
Gates County (Aug 15th, 2024)
Graham County (Apr 13th, 2023)
Granville County (Apr 14th, 2023)
Greene County (Apr 15th, 2023)
Greensboro (Guilford County) (Aug 11th, 2024)
Guilford County (Aug 10th, 2024)
Halifax County (Apr 19th, 2023)
Harnett County (Aug 18th, 2024)
Haywood County (Apr 21st, 2023)
Henderson County (Apr 24th, 2023)
Hertford County (Apr 25th, 2023)
Hoke County (Apr 25th, 2023)
Hyde County (Apr 27th, 2023)
Iredell County (Jul 2nd, 2023)
Jackson County (Apr 29th, 2023)
Johnston County (Apr 30th, 2023)
Jones County (May 2nd, 2023)
Lee County (May 3rd, 2023)
Lenoir County (May 8th, 2023)
Lincoln County (Aug 16th, 2024)
Macon County (May 9th, 2023)
Madison County (May 11th, 2023)
Martin County (May 13th, 2023)
McDowell County (Aug 10th, 2024)
Mecklenburg County (Aug 7th, 2024)
Mitchell County (May 17th, 2023)
Montgomery County (Aug 18th, 2024)
Moore County (May 21st, 2023)
Nash County (May 23rd, 2023)
New Hanover County (Aug 12th, 2024)
Northampton County (Aug 5th, 2024)
Onslow County (May 28th, 2023)
Orange County (Aug 12th, 2024)
Pamlico County (May 29th, 2023)
Pasquotank County (May 29th, 2023)
Pender County (May 30th, 2023)
Perquimans County (Jun 1st, 2023)
Person County (Aug 14th, 2024)
Pitt County (Jun 6th, 2023)
Polk County (Jun 7th, 2023)
Raleigh (Wake County) (Aug 15th, 2024)
Randolph County (Jun 8th, 2023)
Richmond County (Oct 29th, 2024)
Robeson County (Jun 11th, 2023)
Rockingham County (Aug 18th, 2024)
Rowan County (Jun 14th, 2023)
Rutherford County (Jun 15th, 2023)
Sampson County (Aug 14th, 2024)
Scotland County (Jun 17th, 2023)
Stanly County (Jun 17th, 2023)
Stokes County (Aug 11th, 2024)
Surry County (Aug 14th, 2024)
Swain County (Jun 20th, 2023)
Transylvania County (Jun 21st, 2023)
Tyrrell County (Jun 21st, 2023)
Union County (Aug 16th, 2024)
Vance County (Jun 24th, 2023)
Wake County (Aug 12th, 2024)
Warren County (Jun 27th, 2023)
Washington County (Jun 27th, 2023)
Watauga County (Jun 28th, 2023)
Wayne County (Aug 6th, 2024)
Wilkes County (Aug 10th, 2024)
Wilmington (New HanoverCounty) (Aug 16th, 2024)
Wilson County (Jul 1st, 2023)
Yadkin County (Jul 2nd, 2023)
Yancey County (Aug 18th, 2024)

In 1996, the North Carolina Postal History Society published a four-volume set of books titled, Post Offices and Postmasters of North Carolina. These carefully prepared books, under the editorial leadership of Vernon S. Stroupe, documented not only the post offices and postmasters of the 6,881 different post offices in North Carolina from the pre-revolutionary times to modern times, but also illustrated all known postmarks from these offices used before the twentieth century.
A long-term project has been completed to update that catalog with new postmark information from the nineteenth century and to add all the known postmarks from the twentieth and twenty first centuries. The North Carolina Postal History Society has shared the development of the new catalog, county by county, since the website was created, making available the postmark data as it was created, rather than wait until the whole catalog was completed.
The format of the new catalog comes from the original catalog. Each post office is listed alphabetically within a county along with the postmasters of that office. Also shown are the known postmarks of that office. In many cases, the file sizes are large; however, we feel that those interested in downloading the information for their own use will find a suitable means to access those files, which are easily downloaded for users with high-speed internet access. All the data from the original catalog is presented along with the added new information. For each postmark, we provide either the black and white tracing from the original catalog or a color scan of a new marking made from actual postmarks where available. Some of the “color scans” are from black and white photocopies since that format is the only information available. Each marking shows a new type number, the dimension of the marking, the color of the marking, and the dates of use that we have observed. Each county of the catalog has been made into a pdf file that can be downloaded if desired. The major North Carolina cities with large postmark files have been removed from their appropriate counties and made into separate PDFs. These cities are Asheville, Charlotte, Fayetteville, Greensboro, Raleigh and Wilmington. You will see that each has a PDF of their own. Their PDF names also show the county in which they have been removed; i.e. “Charlotte (Mecklenburg County).”
The right to the digital information contained in these files belongs to the North Carolina Postal History Society; therefore, any use other than personal is prohibited without the consent of the North Carolina Postal History Society.
In determining the classification criteria of the new markings, we have used the classification systems that have been published by different twentieth century postal historians. The classification of duplex metal handstamps was published by Richard W. Helbock and Dan Meschter in La Posta (May 1987). The Doane and 4-Bar postmark classifications were published by Doug DeRoest in La Posta (September 1990). Tony Crumbley, who maintains the Doane database for North Carolina, has provided the latest information on North Carolina Doane cancels. The machine cancellation types have been validated by members of the Machine Cancel Society. This society also has shared with us the current information of North Carolina machine markings from their extensive database of United States machine cancels.
An important part of the new information for this catalog has come from the Postal History Collection at the North Carolina State Archives. Their support of this project has been monumental. In addition, almost all the important twentieth century data has come from the Post Mark Collectors Club Research Center in Bellevue, Ohio, where they maintain the largest postmark collections found anywhere in the world. Important updates also have come from the massive records maintained by the editor of the previous catalog, Vernon S. Stroupe, who never stopped collecting information about North Carolina postmarks and graciously shared this data until his untimely death in 2006. Finally, a large number of new markings have come from collectors, such as Tony Crumbley, whose extensive collection of North Carolina postal history is unparalleled.
Our desire is that interested collectors will examine the listed markings against their collections. Where new postmarks are found or revisions to the information provided, such as dates of use, color, etc., we hope that this new information will be submitted for consideration to be included in the catalog. Please send your data to:
Richard F. Winter
5432 Geneva Terrace
Colfax, NC 27235
If you wish to report new postmarks, please include 300dpi color scans or high-resolution color photocopies of the markings to the address shown, either electronically or by regular mail. Please make certain that the new postmarks show 100 percent of the actual marking size. That way the data can be incorporated into the catalog. Questions or inquiries can be referred to the address above also.