July 29, 2023
ATTENDING: George Slaton, Timothy McRee, Boyd Morgan, Pete Oldham, Scott Steward, and Harry Albert. A quorum of the Board was present. Absent: Stefan Jaronski (term ending), Alan Vestal, and Richard Winter.
The meeting was called to order at 2:10 p.m. by Mr. Slaton.
The 2022 minutes of the NCPHS Board of Directors Meeting held on July 30, 2022, were unanimously approved as written upon a motion by Mr. Steward and a second by Mr. Oldham.
Mr. Slaton introduced the Class of 2026 board members elected at the General Meeting: Mr. Boyd Morgan (new), Mr. Tim McRee (reelected), and Mr. Dick Winter (reelected).
At this time, Mr. Slaton presided over the election of officers for the upcoming two-year term. Mr. Steward moved to accept nominations of Mr. Slaton for President, Mr. Steward for Vice-President, and Mr. Albert for Secretary-Treasurer. Upon a second by Mr. McRee, the motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Albert presented the Membership Report. As of June 30, 2023, the current membership is 131, a decrease of twelve members since the previous year’s report. The redesign of the renewal form tasked to Mr. Slaton and Mr. Albert was completed on September 7, 2022. The inclusion of a definitive due date has certainly helped to keep delinquent renewals to a minimum. Only five members did not respond to the final 2023 renewal reminder for dues as compared to chasing twenty-one unpaid 2022 renewals for months the year before.
Mr. Albert then presented the Treasurer’s Report for the year ended December 31, 2022. He stated that the Society continues in sound financial condition thanks to our many sustaining members, who contribute additional funds to support the society above the amount of the annual dues. The cash balance as of June 30, 2023, was $17,329. Mr. Albert also presented to the Board the Secretary-Treasurer’s budget for 2024. Mr. Slaton offered a motion to approve the 2024 budget projecting an operating deficit of ($226). Upon a second by Mr. Steward, the 2024 operating budget was unanimously approved.
Mr. Slaton announced that the Society has published a Confederate Post Office Monograph entitled North Carolina Post Offices and Postmasters: 1860 – 1866. The monograph was distributed as a member benefit with the summer issue of the North Carolina Postal Historian. It is being advertised for $20 in the Civil War Philatelist, a journal of the Civil War Philatelic Society.
Mr. Slaton then gave an update on the Society’s Adopt-A-Library Program. Currently, twenty libraries have been adopted and two libraries (Forsyth County Library and Rowan Public Library) maintain their own regular membership. The current library count is up three from the prior year due to the addition of Scotland County Memorial Library, Wadesboro Public Library, and Western Carolina University Hunter Library. The revised renewal form has a place for a member to start or renew the adoption of a public library or historical society.
At this time, Mr. Slaton summarized a proposal by Mr. Charles Epting to form a joint venture of postal history societies to reduce individual society operating expenses. In addition, the joint venture could host an annual postal history conference, and various societies could contribute one or two articles for publication in the APS Journal. Mr. Slaton stated that he has scheduled a zoom meeting with the Virginia Postal History Society to discuss Mr. Epting’s proposal.
At 2:40 p.m., Mr. McRee had to depart the meeting in progress.
Unable to attend the board meeting, Mr. Winter submitted a written report titled Current Status of the North Carolina Postmark Catalog Update. Based on Mr. Winter’s concern that there is no permanent repository for this North Carolina Postmark Catalog containing over 23.900 postmarks, Mr. Oldham moved that the President and Co-Editor of the Journal determine appropriate repositories to preserve a digital copy of the catalog to be donated by the Society to such repositories on an appropriate size flash drive. Upon a second by Mr. Albert, the motion passed unanimously.
The next board meeting will be in Charlotte during CHARPEX in late July 2024.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:00 p.m. upon a motion by Mr. Oldham and a second by Mr. Steward.
Prepared by Harry Albert, Secretary-Treasurer
July 30, 2022
ATTENDING: Dick Winter, Timothy McRee, George Slaton, and Harry Albert. A quorum of the Board was present.
The meeting was called to order at 2:10 p.m. by George Slaton.
The 2021 minutes of the NCPHS Board of Directors Meeting held on July 24, 2021, were unanimously approved as written upon a motion by Mr. Winter and a second by Mr. McRee.
Mr. Slaton introduced the Class of 2025 board members elected at the General Meeting: Mr. Pete Oldham (new), Mr. Scott Stewart (reelected), and Mr. Harry Albert (reelected).
Mr. Albert presented the Membership Report. As of June 30, 2022, the current membership is 143, an increase of seven members since the previous year’s report. However, the report shows that there are twenty-one remaining unpaid memberships which are still being continued on the rolls. The Board unanimously agreed to the inactivation of any unpaid member prior to the publication of the next quarterly journal. (Eleven individuals did not respond to the latest renewal reminder and were dropped from membership effective July 30, 2022.) A discussion ensued concerning the redesign of the renewal form to secure renewals on a more timely basis. Mr. Slaton and Mr. Albert were tasked with the redesign of the form. (The redesign of the renewal form was completed on September 7, 2022.)
Mr. Albert then presented the Treasurer’s Report for the year ended December 31, 2021. He stated that the Society continues in sound financial condition thanks to our sustaining members, who contribute additional funds to support the society above the amount of the annual dues. The cash balance as of June 30, 2022, was $15,561. Mr. Albert also presented to the Board the Secretary-Treasurer’s budget for 2023. Mr. Winter offered a motion to approve the 2023 budget as corrected for the editor fee and software additions projecting an operating deficit of ($585). Upon a second by Mr. McRee, the 2023 operating budget was unanimously approved.
Mr. Winter verbally presented an update on the North Carolina Postmark Catalog in addition to providing a written report. Mr. Winter stated that 67 counties and three large city post offices have been brought up to date as of today’s board meeting. Since going on-line, more than 50 individuals have contributed new information to the catalog. Mr. Winter also stated that the catalog update currently has 6,440 pages and that 23,520 postmarks have been added to the original 4-volume set, Post Offices and Postmasters of North Carolina, Colonial to USPS. Mr. Winter concluded his report noting that this work is ongoing as new information is continually received.
At this time, Mr. Winter, Co-editor of the North Carolina Postal Historian, gave an update on the status and pending change of the co-editorship. The Fall 2022 North Carolina Postal Historian, Volume 41, No. 4 (Whole No. 160) will be Mr. Winters’s last journal as co-editor. Beginning with the first issue of 2023, Mr. Steve Swain will replace Mr. Winter as co-editor. Mr. Winter will continue to aid and support Mr. Swain as he assumes the duties associated with this position.
Mr. Slaton acknowledged the many years of service given by Mr. Winter in his role as co-editor. During his tenure, 55 journals and two special supplements were published with 33 different contributing authors. This society’s journal is quite an accomplishment supported by co-editors, authors, proof-readers and others. Mr. Slaton continued stating that today we thank Mr. Winter for his service and contributions to the NC Postal History Society.
Mr. Slaton then gave an update on the Society’s Adopt-A-Library Program. Currently, 17 libraries have been adopted and two libraries are maintaining their own regular membership. The pending revision of the renewal form will have a place for a member to adopt or renew the adoption of a public library or historical society. Comments from various board members indicated that the Society’s visibility is much enhanced through this program.
The next board meeting will be in Charlotte during CHARPEX in late July 2023.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:20 p.m. upon a motion by Mr. Winter and a second by Mr. Albert.
Prepared by Harry Albert, Secretary-Treasurer